#15. Satrapi suggests that, reality is repeating itself. Almost like karma. The first Iranian invasn happened some time ago. And it was 1400 years later that the second one would happen. Life was going to be oppressed, again. And yet another tyrant was ready to rule. It's just like our economy, but hopefully Obama will set things straight! Marji's family is an influence to her. They influenced her to go demostrate and fight for her rights as a women. Her uncles were the most influencial, with there stories and heroic resistances. They made her into a rebel. She was willing to fight for her country, no matter what.
#1. I think that this genre is so popular because kids like us like books that have pictures to look at. Pictures are more appealing and attractive. I think she choose this format to draw in young teens like us to reading her book. It is also easier to understand the book with pictures. I don't think i would've understood her jokes without the pictures. The pictures add a sense of humor and lacks the seriousness of the real problem. i have not read any other graphic memoirs, but wouldn't mind reading more. Persepolis is almost like a novel that was told in pictures. I wouldn't really call it a comic book because it lacks the color.